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Occupational Wellness + Personal Development Coach

Have you lost motivation at work?
Do you need help balancing your work with leisure time?
Together we tackle the root cause and unblock barriers so you can reach your full potential in your career and in your personal life.

Discover How
For years, I was stuck in a job that weighed me down. I was lacking the inspiration and challenge to work. I thought I enjoyed my life, but something was missing.
At the end of the day, I didn’t feel good about the work I was doing.
Sound familiar?
I had an “aha” moment in my first life coaching session AND NEVER LOOKED BACK.
It became so obvious what I was doing wrong, or rather not doing in my authentic way.
You don’t forget these moments.
I now live my life each day with intent, fulfillment, and joy.

Hi, I’m Maryann

As a transformational coach, I help you unleash your inner strengths and remove any blockers or self-doubts so that we can propel you forward. My direct yet compassionate approach will help you discover your true fulfillment with lasting results.

Our value is often tied to our titles, salaries, and qualifications, which collectively repress our personal value. Through coaching, we will reframe this old paradigm so that you can unashamedly celebrate your talents, virtues, and unique human qualities.

My purpose is to leverage your authentic self to transform your business success and personal satisfaction.

Let’s save you time and frustration by helping you fast track your goals, align with your current values, and live each day with YOUR purpose.

Schedule a Consultation

How it works

As your life coach, I will help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results. I’m a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one. I will push you to identify your goals, hold you accountable and provide encouragement throughout your journey to become a better version of yourself.

The coaching process

I offer several coaching programs, depending on what works best for your needs. We will meet virtually for one hour, once a week. It’s best to find a time in the day where you can 100% focus on YOU.

Take the dog out before our sessions. Keep the babysitter around for that extra hour. Make sure you can fully dedicate this time to YOUR GROWTH.

Before we set up your individual sessions, you will complete a coaching agreement where you can indicate your main goal for hiring a life coach, whether that’s to find a new job, to improve your relationships, to create better health habits, or something else entirely!

With this main goal in mind, you will identify the specific topics we will work on prior to each session.

Sample session questions we’ll cover:

  • What have you accomplished since we last spoke?
  • What did you want to get done but did not?
  • What opportunities are available to you now?

Coaching with Maryann was an investment in myself and I continue to experience the fruit of her coaching through self insight, self-awareness, and the power to choose my actions as I move forward to accomplish my personal and professional goals.

Grimes W. | Brunswick, ME

I’m so thankful for Maryann’s work. Each session brought me closer to my goals and a greater understanding of what I wanted. I felt like each session I was shedding an old part of myself I no longer wanted nor needed.

Kayla P. | Healdsburg, CA

You don’t get to the next level by doing the same thing

Ready to transform?

Get started with This Life Coach if you want to:
  • Define your vision for yourself and your future
  • Develop meaningful goals with a plan to achieve them
  • Understand yourself better and recognize your blind spots
  • Manage transitions
  • Create work/life balance
  • Establish healthy routines
  • Identify what derails you
  • Develop courage, confidence, and self-worth
  • Reframe negative self-talk
  • Build and strengthen relationships

Contact Maryann

iPEC Certified Professional Coach
Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner
iPEC COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics Specialist